There are a variety of ways a planet may be afflicted. Being afflicted means that a planet has difficulty in acting its nature in a way that reflects it higher or "good side".A planet may be afflicted by sign. For example Mars is afflicted in both Libra and in Cancer. The basic way affliction is determined is this. The sign that is opposite the one that the planet rules is a position of affliction. One of the two signs that are square two the planets sign of rulership is also afflicted. Mars is afflicted in Cancer which is square (90 deg) from Aries. (I will only note what appears to be a contradiction that Mars is exhalted (very good) in Capricorn which Aries also squares) and this must be saved for another time.
A planet may be afflicted by bad aspect to one of more planets by aspect. 45deg, 90deg, 135deg, 150deg. or 180deg or by conjunction. A few conjunctions are good but perhaps most are difficult, and therfore afflictions.
A planet may be accidentally afflicted by being in the house that is opposite the house that the planet rules in the Aries in the first template. Mars in the 7th. Mars in the 4th is also an affliction.
A planet is afflicted if it is in retrograde motion.
A planet is afflicted if it lies in the 12th house except for Neptune which essentially rules the 12th or Venus which is exalted in the 12th or in Pisces.
As you see there are many ways for a planet to be afflicted. If a planet is retrograde, afflicted by aspect and in a sign that afflicts (three testimonies to affliction) there will be great distress over the area of life that the planet, sign and house rule in the life. However good aspects can negate much of the trouble if they are sufficent in number and strength. If an afflicted planet is in mutal reception with another planet that is not afflicted much help can come from this.In closing I am the founder of a totaly free Astrological site "The Astrologers Forum" in which discussions are held. Readers may look in with out having to join if you wish.
Lalbaugcha Raja 2011 - Wallpaper - pictures - video
13 years ago
I'm so thankful I came across this blog post, thank you for the elaborate information. I have one question if you dont mind , I was wondering if you have moon (in gemini 10'10 degrees) trine Saturn (4'15 degree in Aquarius) (and it is separating at a 5 '40 degree orb) would be considered afflicted by Saturn ? Also mercury sextiles the moon and that's the only aspects.